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Engagement Coaching at AACC

Woman with arms raised at sunrise.

你知道AACC是美国唯一一所拥有国际教练联合会(ICF)认证培训项目的社区学院吗? 到目前为止,我们已经培训了165名教职员工,并且还在不断增长! Interested in becoming a coach? 了解更多欧洲杯买球平台屡获殊荣的敬业教练培训计划.

参与辅导嵌入到大学的各个领域. Interested in being coached? 我们的教师和工作人员谁完成了培训很高兴提供辅导课程,我们的学生和同事的员工.

Coaching for AACC Students

参与教练的作用是支持一个人——像你一样! 当你从A点搬到B点,在大学里搬到更远的地方. Engagement Coaching is not therapy or counseling. 参与辅导不是指导、提供建议或解决问题. Instead, 你的敬业教练受过训练,他会问你一些强有力的问题,帮助你找到挑战的解决方案,克服通往成功的障碍. 

有关以下领域以外的咨询,请联系 Jen Lara.

Entrepreneurial Studies Institute

Students in the Entrepreneurial Studies Institute, 特别是那些获得拉特克利夫基金会资助的企业家奖学金的人, have the opportunity to receive coaching. Once you are assigned to one of our trained coaches, you are to be coached a minimum of three sessions. Once these three coaching sessions have been met, 只要你和你的教练都同意,你就可以继续使用那个教练. Topics to be coached on are decided completely by you! To sign up to be coached, contact Stephen Berry.

Honors Program

All Honors 学生有机会在AACC接受训练有素的教练的指导! Coaching is available by appointment, either in person or phone call, and you can choose from a roster of coaches.

但不要认为教练必须仅限于学校问题! Bring ideas on anything that you'd like to discuss! Contact the Honors office or coordinator Alyson Turner for further details.

Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Programs

Students in the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice programs and the Aspiring Leaders Academy 是否有机会接受一对一和小组辅导. To sign up to be coached, contact Dr. Reynaldo Evangelista or Dr. Darian Senn-Carter for more information.

Student Achievement and Success Program

The Engagement Coaching experience is open to all Student Achievement and Success Program (SASP) members. 这次经历的目的是支持你在AACC的经历, 除了获得SASP的学术支持和成功策略外. This opportunity will offer you up to three, 30-minute, sessions with an assigned coach during a single term. 每次会议的讨论主题完全由你决定,可能包括个人话题, professional, or academic situations. 如果你想参加,你应该直接联系你的SASP顾问或 SASP office. 

Teacher Education and Child Care Institute

The Teacher Education and Child Care Institute (TEACH)很高兴为参加课程的学生提供参与辅导作为他们的资源之一. 在AACC的培训为您提供了识别核心价值观的机会, meet goals, self-reflect, broaden awareness, promote strengths and remove blockages to success. It is an effective tool to increase happiness, health, focus and whatever else that is important to you! 您将与训练有素的教练一对一配对,或者有机会参加小组教练会议,讨论的主题由您决定! 你是否主修教育,想要体验一对一的辅导? Contact Jen Lara for details.

Other Coaching Resources

如果你对教练很好奇,想开始和教练一起工作, visit our website 看看哪些教练正在带新客户,并向你选择的教练伸出援手.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at an Engagement Coaching session?

A coaching session is generally 30, 长度为45或60分钟,我们建议至少从三次开始. 你将与你的敬业度教练一对一或小组会面(如果你参加的是小组辅导)。. 您的训练地点由您和您的教练预先确定. 一般来说,你们会在一个安静的地方见面——比如一间空教室、一间会议室或一间办公室.  与您的教练分享的所有信息都是保密的,除非这些信息违反了学校的政策或法律,或危及您和/或他人的安全和/或健康. 

What are the qualifications of a coach?

AACC的敬业教练都是按照国际教练联合会(ICF)的核心竞争力培训的。. Read more about ICF’s core competencies.

Want to become an Engagement Coach?

AACC offers open enrollment credit courses through our Engagement Coach Training program. We also offer noncredit offerings of those courses. 

我们还可以为您的企业和组织提供培训项目. Contact AACC’s Corporate Training Center for more information.

Want to earn the Life and Engagement Coach Certificate?

对于有兴趣成为认证教练的参与者, 本证书符合国际教练联合会认可的副认证教练ACSTH(认可教练特定培训时数)途径的教练特定培训要求.

Life and Engagement Coach (certificate)

Coaching Testimonies

这段经历给了我启发,也增强了我的信心.  我意识到我的生活中有一些领域停滞不前,因为我没有首先考虑我的目标.  In addition, by hearing someone else summarize what they heard me say, 我能够听到这些领域在哪里,以及我计划如何克服停滞.  通过认识到自己的优势和可能发生冲突的领域,我的信心得到了提升,我获得了平静与和平, 然后有意识地减少实现目标道路上的障碍.  Overall, I was able to see that my perception of my circumstances was not my reality; in fact, 我现在的处境比我最初认为的要好得多,我也清楚地知道自己在未来2-4年里想要达到什么水平.

-Ratcliffe Entrepreneurship Student


We can help!

Message from our Coach

Image result for jen lara


I would trade in all of my college degrees just to have my coaching skills; that's how impactful coaching is. 因为教练可以用在地球上的每个人身上, it's the must-have set of skills for this century. 每次我去培训一个新的教练群体时,我都会掐一下自己.

-Jen Lara, Lead Coach

Contact Jen.